SBU’s Harriett K. Hutchens Library houses the production office for the Southern Baptist Periodical Index. In the print format, the index provides subject/author access annually to articles and reviews in approximately 30-35 titles each year, and cumulatively to over 100 periodicals issued by corporations, agencies, and institutions currently or historically related to the SBC. Bound volumes are available for all years 1985-2016. The 2017 volume will be available soon.
The cumulative online version presently covers 1984-2017. For additional information on subject coverage and title coverage, see pages available on the main page of the online version. Entries in the database may be searched by subject, author, and title in the browse mode. Key word searches access in addition any annotations and have the option of targeting a specific year of publication and/or specific periodical title. Actual searching of the database itself requires a subscription, with authentication made possible by IP addresses. Trial subscriptions are available.
Eldonna DeWeese, Editor
On the Web
To find out more about the online index, go to its website: https://www.libris.ca/cgi5/go.exe
When you access the above link, you will have these choices:
- Click SOURCES for a list of periodicals covered.
- Click ABOUT to read about subject coverage
- Click HELP to learn about search options
SBPI Online Use Tutorials
- Searching, Compiling, and Printing from SBPI
- Doing an Author/Biography Search in SBPI
- Dive into SBPI -- notes a variety of topics
- Searches on Parenting Issues
Subscription Information
To subscribe, complete the following forms and submit them via mail, fax, or e-mail.
Special rates for the print version are available for churches and associational offices/libraries. Please inquire.
Contact Information
Phone: 417-328-1614
Fax: 417-328-1652
Email: edeweese@sbuniv.edu
Mailing address:
SBPI Office, University Libraries
Southwest Baptist University
1600 University Ave
Bolivar, MO 65613-2597