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Library Instruction: Scheduling Instruction

Scheduling Instruction

Library Instruction Request Form


Instruction Formats

We realize that face-to-face instruction sessions are not feasible for all courses taught at the University. That is why instruction takes many formats! Below are some ways that departmental faculty may choose to incorporate library instruction within individual classes.

  • Face-to-Face

    • Traditional face-to-face instruction sessions are developed in collaboration with professors and typically involve a Faculty Librarian visiting the classroom.
      See the Faculty Librarians

  • Zoom Library Instruction Sessions

    • Online sessions available to distance-learners, online courses, and other circumstances (available by request). Faculty are strongly encouraged to utilize research guides and tutorials created in partnership with librarians to support the research needs of these students.

  • Research Appointments

    • One-on-one meetings set-up with a student pursuing an advanced research project that requires information mining. Students can request an appointment with a Faculty Librarian during a time both are available to meet using our Appointments calendar. Online appointments are also available for scheduling by selecting Online as the appointment location--all librarians are available for online meetings, no matter what campus the student is located on.
      Schedule an appointment with a Faculty Librarian

  • Research Guides

    • Electronic guides that are developed as a result of collaboration between library and departmental faculty for specific classes/subject areas. Departmental faculty may ask Faculty Librarians to create a guide to support an information literacy competency session.  Research guides can be embedded as links into Blackboard for individual courses.
      View our current list of Research Guides

  • Tutorials

    • Video tutorials can be made for courses upon request. Span 3-5 minutes in length and provide students with instruction on information pertinent to the library.  They may be embedded as links in Blackboard for students to refer to at the point-of-need.