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Welcome to FOLIO

SBU University Libraries Move to a New Library Platform for an Enhanced Library Experience

SBU University Libraries are excited to announce that we will be launching a new library platform called FOLIO on May 22nd, 2024! The library faculty and staff have been working hard on transitioning to this new system, and we know you probably have a few questions.

Why do we need a new system?

SBU has been running on a library platform called Sierra for over a decade. This new system (FOLIO) is a modern, open-sourced library product that will be able to provide you with more efficient and streamlined library services. You may see some subtle changes in the user interface, but in many ways, things will look the same to you.

How does this affect me?

Until our go-live date on May 22nd (and maybe even after), you may experience a few hiccups in library services. If you do experience a disruption, please email the library or call us at 417-328-1620.

Can I still borrow books?

Yes, you will still have the ability to borrow materials from SBU libraries. During the transition, we'll have a system in place to record checkouts locally; however, starting April 18th, MOBIUS will temporarily suspend requests for materials from institutions outside of the SBU libraries. On-site borrowing from MOBIUS library partner sites will also be suspended.  MOBIUS requesting will return on May 22nd when the new catalog launches.

What is MOBIUS?

MOBIUS is a consortium of over 80 libraries of which SBU is a member.

Can I still access databases?

Yes, our research databases will remain online during the transition. You can find our A-Z database list here.

I still have questions. Who should I talk to?

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to reach out the Director of University Libraries, Shellie Austin (, or the Library Coordinator, LoriAnn Weldon (lweldon@sbuniv.ed), and they'd be happy to answer your questions. You can also stop by their offices during normal business hours at the Bolivar campus library.