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Computer Sciences: Book/E-Book Resources

What is MOBIUS?

MOBIUS is the Missouri statewide consortium consisting of more than 60 libraries.  Its purpose is to share library books and services.  It includes more than 23 million items.  Materials are delivered five days a week to member libraries by a courier service.

Recommend a Computer Science Book!

If you know of a good book in the computer science area, please let us know.  We want to build a collection to meet your educational needs.

If SBU doesn't have what you need...

Try searching MOBIUS, our statewide cluster catalog, or WorldCat, an international database of library resources.


Find a Book:
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Use MOBIUS to order books from any university in the state of Missouri - at no charge!

Can't find it in MOBIUS? Try Interlibrary Loan

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