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Library Lingo for Normal People: Journals

A guide to help non-librarians understand the terms and phrases we librarians throw around willy-nilly.

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What is a journal?

Journals are like magazines, but instead of being full of popular stories and gossip, they are full of scholarly articles.

You can read a journal in print or electronically. Printed journals are very expensive and bulky, so SBU and most other libraries purchase journals electronically nowadays. In most cases, journals are accessed through databases that allow you to search for articles from many journals at the same time. It's very convenient!

If you know the name of a specific journal and want to know where to find it, check out the A-to-Z Journal Tracker. This tool shows you every journal that can be accessed through SBU and which database to use to read that journal's articles.

For step-by-step instructions, check out the tutorial! A-to-Z Journal Tracker Tutorial

Still stumped?

Use the Contact links to the left to contact a librarian by phone, e-mail, or instant message. We're glad to help! In addition to the reference librarian who is on duty, you can also contact the library liaison for your academic area for help using resources related to your program.

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