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HSC_NRS_NUR 4333 - Research & Evidence Based Practice

Linked Articles

If SBU owns the article and it has been linked directly from the journal by the publisher, you will see the ability to open the article on the left-hand side. Click on these links to open up the article in the preferred format.



Screenshot of article record with full text access

Unlinked Articles

If SBU owns the article and it has not been linked directly from the journal by the publisher, or SBU owns access to the article through multiple vendors, you will see a link on the left side called “Full Text Finder”. Click here and the SBU system will open the journal article for you.



screenshot of article record using full text finder link

Publisher Access

Some publishers want you to visit their page to access articles, and access to those pages are provided through SBU. Links to access those articles can be located in several places. Check not only on the left hand side, but also within the body of the record as seen below.



screenshot of article record with publisher link access

Requesting Articles

There are articles that can be found when searching that SBU does not own. In these cases, the article can be requested through interlibrary loan. This process usually takes a few days, but is a good option if SBU does not own the article. Fill out the form and the article will be sent to you as soon as a lending library can be located.