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EDU - Educational Law: Library Databases

General Purpose Databases

Finding Journal Titles

A-Z Journal Tracker

 A-Z Journal Tracker is a listing of all the libraries' journal subscriptions. Use this to check if journals and appropriate publication years are available electronically or in print. If you already have a journal citation, or you are looking for a particular journal title, use this source.

Conducting Your Search

The first thing to remember is that conducting good research is difficult!

  1. As you think about your topic, develop a list of search terms
  2. Decide where the information might be found:
    1. Is it a topic that has been under discussion for a few years? Look for a book
    2. Would there be smaller research projects on the topic, or are you trying to find a case-study? Look in the databases for articles
    3. Are you not sure what angle your research should take? Search the internet - select advanced search and limit to .gov or .edu sites
  3. When searching the databases:
    1. You will not get the same results using an integrated search as you will searching each database individually. The individual searches will give you more.
    2. Use the thesaurus to find related terms and to search by subject
    3. Different databases have different interfaces (the look and feel) but similar functionality - you might just have to hunt a bit to find the option you need
    4. Use the "Descriptors" to find related subject headings to use in future searches