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MAT1143 College Algebra

MAT 1143 College Algebra Taught by T. Chappell ; R.Jenkins


The course that this research guide supports explores the use of algebra in the real world.  "This exploration takes place by examining the concept of function.  Conceptual understanding of linear, exponential, logarithmic, quadratic, and other polynomial functions is grounded in the collection and statistical analysis of real world data.  Functions will be used to solve real world problems using modeling techniques.  The concept of function is also explored in detail using analytic geometry.

Course Goals and Objectives

  1. The student can read, interpret, analyze, and synthesize quantitative data.
  2. The student can recognize patterns involving a variety of functions.
  3. The student can solve problems using algebraic, geometric, and statistical models.
  4. The student can recognize the connections between algebraic and geometric concepts and utilize these connections to solve problems." -- class syllabi description

Please note that Library Research Guide content is keyed to each section of the course syllabusPlease consult your syllabus for further information.

Algebra Remediation Resources