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RAD 2223 - Clinical Education VI


Welcome to the RAD 2223 - Clinical Education VI research guide. The suggested resources in this guide are to help you complete your class assignments, as well as to provide additional information for course topics where you may be struggling or need further study. To access all library resources visit the SBU Libraries website

The SBU libraries offer a orientation research guide to the many resources available to you as a student at Southwest Baptist University. Your instructor may assign the activities on the research guide, or you may want to review them on your own as a refresher. 

Please feel free to contact the library by phone, email, or chat message if you need additional information. Contact information and office hours are linked in the sidebar on this page and throughout the guide. 

Reserve a Study Room

Need to reserve a study room? Use the link below to reserve a study room on the Springfield Campus. Please make sure you are familiar with the Study Room Policies before reserving a room.  

  • Study rooms may be used by: SBU Students, SBU Faculty, SBU Staff, or Springfield Campus Library Guest Patrons.
  • Occupancy: Maximum Occupancy is determined by the room size. Maximum Time Period is 2 hours.
  • Using the Study rooms: Reservation is compulsory. Individuals must relinquish to a group if all other rooms are in use. Guest patrons must relinquish to SBU faculty, students, or staff.
  • Reserving study rooms:
    1. Groups may reserve study rooms up to two weeks in advance
    2. Groups who do not show up within 15 minutes of their reserved time forfeit the reservation
    3. Exception: Students with identified special need should contact library staff for assistance.