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Biblical Studies Research Guide: Online Commentaries (E-book Format)

This guide will walk you through the basics of Bible-related research.

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Find Online Commentaries

There are several methods for locating commentaries in e-book format; however, this method provides a comprehensive list of commentaries available in the various e-book systems to which the University Libraries subscribes.


  1. Open a new browser tab or window (your preference).  This will enable the ability to keep these instructions active in a separate tab or window.
  2. Go back to the University Libraries' homepage (

Advanced Search Page of the Library's Catalog

screenshot of library website and catalog search, highlighting CATALOG tab and ADVANCED SEARCH button.

  1. Select the Catalog tab on the main search box.
  2. Click on the Advanced Search button on the Main Search Box.
    The Advanced Search page of the University Libraries' online catalog is opened.

Finding Commentaries on Advanced Search

screenshot of ADVANCED SEARCH box with various example searches featured.

  1. Enter Search Terms Box
    1. In the first search box, change "Any Field:" to "SUBJECT:" search.
    2. Enter "Commentaries" in the search box.
    3. If you want to search for a particular book of the Bible:
      1. In the second search box, change "Any Field:" to "SUBJECT:" search.
      2. Enter the name of the book of the Bible in the search box.
  2. Other Format Box
    1. Scroll down and select "E-BOOK".
  3. Hit the Submit button

Results Page

screenshot of catalog results, showing available resources for example search.

  1. The results page gives a list of the commentaries available online.  If a particular book of the Bible was entered (as in this example), results are limit to commentaries on that book.
  2. Beside the KEYWORDS label is the number of results available.  In this case, there are 69 commentaries currently available on Matthew.
  3. Clicking on the Title will open the catalog record for that commentary.

Opening the Commentary

screenshot highlighting EBOOK, CLICK TO CONNECT option.

  1. The link to access the commentary is in the center of the record.
  2. Click on the "SBU: E-book, click to connect" link.
  3. At this point, the e-book record in the e-book system will open.  Each system provides a link to the commentary in a different way.  Look for the full-text access link and click on it.  Clicking on that link will open the commentary.  

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