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EDU - online: F.A.Q.s

help for the distance education student

Frequently Asked Questions

1.      Why am I having trouble logging in from off-campus?

a.       When logging on with your SBU password, you need to enter a zero in front.

b.      If you are trying to log onto an SBU database from a school computer, you will need to contact our Electronic Services Librarian. The proxy server for SBU does not play well with the security system of most school districts.

2.      Why am I having trouble finding articles in full text?

a.       The article may not be available in full text in the database you are searching. You can try:

                                                   i.      Copy the citation information from the article and use A-to-Z Journal Tracker to see if we carry the journal in any other database. (see link below)

                                                 ii.      If we do not have the article available electronically, you can request the article through Inter Library Loan. These articles generally are emailed to you and there is no cost involved.

3.      I can’t find anything in the databases. What else can I try?

a.       Google Scholar. From a Google page, select more, then even more. Google Scholar is under Specialized Services

In all cases - if you need help, contact a librarian through email, phone or chat.

Reference Services Librarian/Archivist/ Personal Librarian for Education and Social Sciences

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University Libraries
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