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Earth Science - Earthquakes, Faults & Tsunamis: General Information & Historic Tsunamis

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Pie graph showing various causes for tsunamis and the percentages of each. 77% caused by earthquakes, 10% that are unknown, 6% caused by volcanic activity, 4% by meteorological events, and 3% by landslides.

This graph shows the percentages of tsunami causes: 77% of tsunamis are caused by earthquakes, 10% of causes are unknown, 6% caused by volcanic activity, 4% by meteorological events, and 3% by landslides.

Additional media resources may be found by searching the Films on Demand database.


NOAA defines a tsunami as "a series of waves caused by earthquakes or undersea volcanic eruptions." -- What is a tsunami?

Historic Tsunamis


NOAA defines a seiche as a "standing wave oscillating in a body of water." -- What is a seiche?

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