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PTH 5151 - Clinical Investigations I

Building a PICO Question

 This video tutorial describes how to ask a clinical question about the effects of a physiotherapy intervention

in PICO (Patient - Intervention - Comparator - Outcome) format.



Once you have developed your PICO question, you are able to build your questions into your search by using the advanced search options on the SBU library website. 


Image of library search box with arrow pointing to advanced search

On the main library page, select the tab you would like to use, and click "Advanced Search"


Advanced search screen with arrow pointing to PICO search

In the "Advanced Search" screen, you will see the "PICO Search" builder. Click on that link


Image of the PICO search for EDS builder

Fill in the fields on the PICO Search builder with the information from your PICO question and select submit.

Select any other limiters or expanders you wish to use and click search.

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